See also: Affiliations / Graduate Programs / Undergrad Research / Job Openings / Resources & Links
Current Funding
NIH NIAID Research Grant (R01) and Exploratory/Development Research Award (R21)
Past Funding
NIH NIAID Research Grant (R01), Exploratory/Development Research Award (R21), & NIAID Research Scholar Development Award (K22)
PA Department of Health CURE Program (Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement)
Driving Biological Project from the Virus Pathogens Resource
New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research (NJCSCR), Research Grant Award (2007 Cycle B)
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Type “Szpara Lab” or similar into the search box. This will generate an option to send a donation to “Other – Szpara Lab” (or whatever text you entered).
Then proceed to checkout & complete the form. Thank you for supporting science!